Update Email

Updated on
December 22, 2023
Update Email
February 19, 2024

There are two ways to change the email address of your rezi account

The First Method

Step 1: Log in and go to rezi.ai and click on the chat icon at the bottom right corner
Step 2: Click on the ‘send us a message button’ and enter that you want to change the email address of your rezi account.
Step 3: The chat team will assist you further.

The second method

Step 1: Login into your rezi dashboard.
Step 2: Click on the ‘My Profile’ on the left sidebar and go to ‘Account’ section.
Step 3: Click on ‘Request Email Change’ and check your email inbox.
Step 4: Check for an email change request from rezi and click the "create new email account" button.
Step 5: Follow and create a new account using the new email address you want.
Step 6: Wait a few minutes and you will get a pop-up to transfer the old account to the new email address.
Step 7: Click on the ‘Begin transfer’ button. The automatic transfer of your data and subscription will begin.
Step 8: Wait for it to complete and start using your rezi account.