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Free Rezi Lifetime by sharing #Rezi on social

We are excited to announce that any user who shares Rezi on social media will receive a free upgrade to a Rezi Lifetime ($149) account. This means that you will have full access to all features of our resume software, with unlimited usage.

Create your Rezi free account

This will be the account email we need to upgrade.

Once you've created your free Rezi account, this email will be eligible for the Lifetime upgrade after sharing Rezi on social media. A Rezi Lifetime account gives you full access to all premium features, including unlimited resume downloads, advanced tailoring features, and unlimited AI usage. Share Rezi today and unlock these benefits for free!

Create your Resume

Get an understand how the software works.

Start creating your resume with Rezi’s simple and intuitive platform. Our software guides you step-by-step to build a professional resume that stands out. Whether you're a student, a professional, or switching careers, Rezi helps you tailor your resume for success in today's job market.

Share Your #Rezi Experience on social

Tell how you liked Rezi on any of Linkedin, Instagram, TikTok

We want to hear your success stories! Whether Rezi helped you land your dream job or made resume writing easier, share your experience on social media using the hashtag #Rezi. Tag us on LinkedIn, Instagram, or TikTok, and let others know how Rezi can make a difference in their job search.

Let us know what account upgrade

This will be completed by the Rezi team in under 24 hours

Please fill out the form below so we can quickly process your Rezi account upgrade. Our team will manually upgrade your account, so please allow 1-2 business days for completion.

You May be wondering:

Does the Rezi Lifetime upgrade require an existing Pro Plan or subscription?


Is this still available?


Why are we doing this?

To see if this can make Rezi go explosively viral on social media by giving away a really useful subscription that is a bit expensive.

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your AI resume?

Join over 3 million people who use Rezi to take control of their job search.